Risk Perception Training with 360° Photos

Virtual Reality, Training, 360 Photo

For the training carried out for Fortlev, a national leader in water storage solutions, we used a very simple, but very effective Virtual Reality resource to create a connection with the tool's users: 360º photographs.

In the images you can see below, security deviations are shown that must be identified by the participant within the stipulated time. All employee usage data is recorded so that the manager can analyze it in detail after training.

“Virtual Reality technology has brought to the company an undeniably more playful, interactive and engaged look for everyone who tries the tool, making security aspects within the company more accessible to the administrative team, and an indispensable reinforcement for something that the team already experienced.

Everyone experienced an area without actually having to be in it. Everyone witnessed the risks without, in fact, being exposed to them. This, in itself, already qualifies this tool to make history within Fortlev and fulfill the two biggest safety objectives: making the environment safer and making everyone anticipate risks before an accident occurs. Brilliant!”

Weverton de Lima Muniz, Senior Security Technician at Fortlev/ES
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